Monday, February 8, 2010

Shayla's White Bread

Here's the recipe: (yields 6-7 loaves)
note: bread flour is best, but you can use all-purpose & just add a little more & mix a little longer to build up gluten.

In a heavy-duty mixer with dough beaters add:
4 T yeast
1 1/2 C. warm water
1/2 C sugar
I also add 1/8 C. honey
Mix the above ingredients
5 1/3 C. warm water
2 T salt
6 T shortening (I use 6 T canola oil instead... I think that's why it's so moist)
7 C. flour.

Beat in large mixer and then
add 8-9 C. more flour (or maybe a little more if you used all-purpose flour)...
Knead for 10 mins with your mixer.
Cover and let rise until double. Shape and put into greased pans, rise again. Bake in a 375 oven for 20-25 minutes. (sometimes I make 6 loaves of bread and a batch of rolls-- for the rolls, 375 oven 15-20 mins.

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